
10 homemade acne remedies

A screaming alarm clock, a lazy wake up call, a quick glance in the mirror... And it's a disaster! A new array of spots has burst has appeared your right cheek! In one night, really? But how can you avoid these occurances and get a new skin?

Don't dry out your skin, use gentle skincare products: alcohol-based creams tend to attack the skin, which will protect itself and produce more sebum;

wash your face with cold water: for a soothing and decongestant effect but also to tighten pores;

always clean your hands and nails before applying any face care: these areas of the body are real breeding grounds for bacteria;

use a spatula to take cream from a jar and apply it to the skin: you don't want to contaminate the contents of the jar;

change and wash your towels (bath towels) regularly;

never rub your face to dry it, but pat it: rubbing tends to irritate the skin;

wash and disinfect everything that touches your face: pillowcase, towels, makeup equipment (brushes), smartphone, etc.;

never skip removing makeup: an essential step to unclog the skin and promote its regeneration;

use a steam machine to dilate the pores: detoxify the skin and help skincare products penetrate better;

avoid, at all costs, touching your spots, popping them, or playing with them: you have to let them live, otherwise you risk creating “beautiful” scars!

(MH with Anne-Sophie Debauche/Illustration: Unsplash)

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