
Beauty tips that will save you money!

Want to stop spending money? Try this…

Repurpose your makeup

Blush, eye shadow, highlighter, lipstick, if you have these flagship products, don’t hesitate to choose the “multifunction” mode. Indeed, a highlighter that is too dark or too pink can perfectly serve as eyeshadow. In the same way, that expensive blush that ultimately doesn’t match your skin tone will flatter your iris. So try your eyes instead of your cheeks. In the same vein: give your cheekbones a boost with a lipstick that is a little too orange for your lips. Yes, makeup is fun!

Don’t forget to test all these new combinations beforehand, especially if you have reactive skin.

Use your shower gel in several ways

A shower gel can be very useful in the kitchen or in the bathroom. All you need to do is reuse your (empty) hand cleanser pots and fill them with your shower gel. This way, it will have a double purpose. For this tip, choose a shower gel or a neutral soap, which is gentler. You won't take any risks if your skin is sensitive. Little extra: a neutral washing gel can also be used for your oily hair!

Stop using cotton pads

As we've seen, washable cotton pads are now filling online sales sites and specialist stores. No need to invest in traditional cotton pads that are irritating and sometimes of very poor composition. If you want to go further, there's no point in having cotton pads, use the good old method: your hands. They will help you apply the make-up remover oil, the cleanser and all the care that follows. Are you worried about your tonic lotion? On the contrary, your hands will allow this liquid treatment to penetrate your skin more quickly and effectively. Tip: spread the tonic on damp skin, as it dries it will absorb the product deeper.

Look in your cooking oils

As good for hair as for skin, olive oil is an excellent moisturizer. Use it as a hair mask or in small touches around your eyes. It will work miracles. Coconut oil, often included in cooking recipes, turns out to be a very good nourishing after-sun treatment. It will effectively fight against sunburn.

As you will have understood, one product can be used as another! Easy savings for you.

(MH with AsD - Illustration: Pixabay - Nattanan23)

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