
Here's how your kids will cycle safely to school again

A lot of children trek to school on foot, by bike, by bus, subway or car at the same time. This creates traffic congestion and extra danger on the road. It is therefore very important to pay extra attention to vulnerable road users. Here are some important tips to help you send your child safely to school and to participate safely in traffic yourself.

Cycling to school
Make sure your child is always clearly visible. A fluorescent vest is very useful, also a fluorescent cover on the backpack can significantly improve visibility. Make sure lights and reflectors are in good condition and always have your child wear a bicycle helmet. Practice the safest route to school several times in advance. Note that the safest route is not always the shortest route. Sometimes a slightly longer route with fewer intersections or dangerous points is more appropriate as a travel route for your child. Have confidence in your child, but only let them ride to school alone if they feel comfortable doing so. For example, can it judge speeds well? Can it extend its arm (to turn off) and keep its balance at the same time? Avoid wearing earbuds to listen to music. After all, you hear the ambient noise much less, which can create dangerous situations in traffic.

On foot to school
It is very useful to walk the route to school with your child several times before the start of the school year. This way, you can discover together potential hazards such as driveways, and exits from parking lots and garages, etc. Always leave well in time, so that you don't have to walk at any point and may be less attentive as a result. Show your child how to cross correctly and calmly, and explain that you should always make eye contact with drivers when crossing at a pedestrian crossing.

What to do as a driver?
If your child is under 5 feet tall always fasten them correctly in an appropriate child seat. Leave home well on time, this way you avoid rushing along the way and causing more danger on the road. Do not drive by car all the way to the school gate. After all, it is more peaceful for everyone if you park the car further and walk the last stretch. After all, a poorly parked vehicle can cause a child crossing the road to not see properly as well as not be visible.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Source: VRT NWS/Illustration picture: Unsplash)



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