
Typo on your plane ticket can ruin your holidays

Have you confirmed your flight ticket reservation without checking all required fields? Did you miss a spelling mistake or a typo? You now have a wrong name on your flight ticket. It can sometimes ruin your holidays...

As everyone knows, flight tickets are nominative. When boarding, agents at the check-in counter check that the person who shows up is indeed the expected passenger. To do this, the airline compares the first and last name mentioned on the ticket with the information on the traveler's identity document.

However, when booking a flight ticket, a typo sometimes slips into the traveler's first or last name. And in this case, some airlines are not flexible and take advantage of it in order to make you pay for these changes, even minor ones.

As you will have understood, an error, even a small one, in a name on a flight ticket is far from being funny. On the day of departure, if the information on your ticket doesn't match that on your ID, you will be denied boarding. It's therefore important that there are no errors, including the date of birth, even if this is often not on the boarding pass.

To correct a spelling mistake in a passenger's name, it all depends on the airline company. There is one constant, however. In most cases, if you report the error within 24/48 hours of booking, the correction is done for free. But be careful, this only concerns minor errors.

- A spelling mistake, but up to 3 letters maximum.

- A confusion between maiden name and married name for wives

- An inversion of the first and last name.

If you detect a minor error later than that, be aware that the correction is usually chargeable. It will cost you around 150 euros. If the error is more significant, for example if you have completely mistaken the names of the passengers, it becomes much more complicated.

Airlines are indeed reluctant to completely change a name on a ticket. First for security reasons, as well as to avoid setting up a ticket resale system. A pure and simple name change is therefore simply impossible.

Conclusion: greatest care is required at the time of booking!

(MH with JaG - Source: liligo/ Illustration picture: Pixabay)

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