
Drinking collagen: The new miracle anti-wrinkle?

In the race for eternal youth, everything is good to take (or test). Today, drinking collagen appears to be the ideal eraser of wrinkles, these marks of time passing by on our dear skin. So, yet another product full of misleading promises or a real miracle potion against the years that pass by?

Origins of the elixir

While an extremely famous American influencer praises its merits on her social media every day, dermatologists are wondering about the real effects of this collagen-based drink. Trendy since 2013 in the United States, these water-soluble powders (tea, juice, alcohol, etc.) are beginning to take the lead in the routine of European beauty addicts. "Initiated in Asia, where beauty is consumed as much in shakers as in pots of cream," defines Le Vif Weekend, edible collagen has quickly gained ground to become trendy almost everywhere in the world.

Today, and especially on the other side of the Atlantic, women regularly organize parties around this elixir based on "miracle" molecules. The goal: to party with friends and down glasses of the new "collagen" cocktail with rejuvenating properties.

Reasons for such success

Collagen, naturally present in tissues of the human body, maintains the elasticity of the skin until a certain age. Indeed, over time, the natural production of this component decreases. At 20, the decrease would begin and at 50 "half of the collagen molecules have deserted the dermis," Le Vif Weekend further specifies. In the form of injection, cream or drinkable solution, the external supply of collagen encourages natural synthesis and gives the skin its plump and smooth appearance. Hair is healthier and nails are strengthened. In addition, with stronger joints and bones, sport becomes (almost) child's play.

Reality about "magic" drink

In fact, the benefits of collagen, introduced in large sips into the body, depend heavily on the absorption of this molecule by the body and the quantity ingested. As such, the molecule is too large and must be broken down into peptides in order to be assimilated by the intestinal wall. These peptides do not replace collagen but greatly stimulate its natural synthesis. "When natural collagen degrades, it also takes the form of peptides. When the body detects its presence, it therefore restarts production," continues Le Vif Weekend. You would have to consume 10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen daily to feel its effects on the skin.

Precautions and use

Assuming that we can get past the sometimes problematic composition of the product in question (made from animal carcasses), it's important to equip yourself with good information before starting to experiment. Opinions from doctors, pharmacists, specialists are welcome. The promises of a product can turn out to be totally unfounded and be displayed on American brands that do not respect the standards of the European Union. It's required to consume it every day and in a sufficient way to hope to benefit from its benefits. Also not to be forgotten: the mixture is not the easiest to dissolve and often has a very bad taste.

Smoke and mirrors or revolutionary drink? It's up to you to judge!

(MH with AsD - Source: Le Vif Weekend - Illustration: Unsplash)

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