
Teen escapes gruesome death: 'Couldn't breathe anymore'

On Tuesday afternoon, a young man escaped a gruesome death in extremis on Ostend beach, Belgium: he got buried under the sand in a self-dug well. Firefighters and beach rescuers had to pull out all the stops to free the young man in time. After all, he could no longer breathe through his mouth, only through his nose.

As many as 15 people helped in the rescue operation. After some time, the Antwerp teenager could still be pulled out from under the sand. He survived this tricky situation, and beach rescuers therefore urge all beachgoers to dig wells only up to hip height and not deeper.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration: Pixabay)



Franco Vandevelde - Journalist NL @Tagtik

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