
This is how to get kids to eat more vegetables

School has started again. Gone are those holidays; a time for kids of playing, going on adventures, enjoying ... and also eating pizza, ice cream, chips. Because admit it, during the holidays, healthy eating for kids is a little less important and we are not so strict when the vegetables are not always eaten (but the chips, pasta ...).
Everyone knows that eating enough vegetables is important for children's health. So how do we make sure we still get our kids to eat enough greens?

Here are some practical tips:

Be patient
Give your child time to get used to a ‘new taste’. Even if your child does not like it the first time, keep offering it (possibly pureed).
Make it fun
A nice plate with a favourite cartoon character can do wonders. Mention that spinach, for instance, gives you muscles and carrots give you super eyes. Put the vegetables in a certain fun pattern and use lots of colours, because the eye wants something too.
Set a good example
As a parent, show that you enjoy eating vegetables. Children don't always listen to what you say, but watch what you do
If your child refuses to eat the classic vegetables, go to an exotic supermarket or regular market and see what else is there: sweet potato, beetroot or something you hadn't thought of yet. Might turn out well!
Give vegetables cool names
An experiment in a British school showed that renaming a vegetable does have an effect. For example, broccoli became Power Brunch Broccoli and carrots became X-ray Vision Carrots. Use your imagination and give it a try!
Choose a different method of preparation
Sometimes a different way of preparing can be liked by your child. Mash, wok, oven, grated, breaded ... with some curry powder on top. Or sweet potato, parsnip, carrot fries ...
Give small portions
Give your child small portions right away and don't argue about the quantity. Your child can be proud even if it has eaten e.g. one carrot.
Process vegetables
You can do this in smoothies, sauces, spaghetti (courgette strings), rice, couscous, meatballs ...
You can also incorporate vegetables into cakes and pancakes: carrot, courgette, sweet potato ...

(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Unsplash)



Franco Vandevelde - Journalist NL @Tagtik

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