
"The other one was small too...": Worker completely demolishes the wrong house (VIDEO)

February 2012, Belgium. We go back into the archives a little and remember this story with a smile on our face, even though it could have cause a fuss in the city of Namur. 

Olivier Colot, a crane operator by profession, had gobe for the wrong house. At the time, he explained (somewhat stunned by his huge mistake) that the order had been given to him by phone, hence the misunderstanding: “I told myself that we had to go there and work. But apparently, I attacked the wrong (house). It was also a small white house, like the other one (that had to be destroyed,.” he confided to television channel RTL info.

It was only at the end of the day, during a call with his boss, that the crane operator realised his mistake. His boss then asked him if everything had gone well and if there were not too many bricks in the street… The man, surprised by this question, had pointed out that it was impossible for the street to be cluttered given that the house was very far from it. “That’s when we realized that we had made a mistake.”

Stéphane Jourdain, the man who ordered the work, had assured the owner that he would be fully compensated. Today, doubts persist… Indeed, according to some sources, Stéphane Jourdain “had wanted to buy this house for several years with the aim of demolishing it to expand the estate. He had already acquired two buildings, a former restaurant called the Eden and a house. Did he want to force his way in? Some neighbors are convinced of it,” reports RTL info.

(MH with AsD - Source: RTL info - Illustration: unsplash)



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