Do you know the secret of confident people?
Did you know that half of all women are dissatisfied with their appearance? Quite a shame when you know that a positive self-image is good for your self-confidence, your relationships and your sex life.
Research has already shown that the more young women spent on social media, the more unhappy they were with their appearance. Influencers show off their washboards and our friends post exactly the photos where they look their best (or don't we do that too?).
Yet there are tips that make us much stronger and more confident. Focus on some of these tips below and see for yourself what this does to you.
Know your positive qualities
Don't be modest and go over what positive traits you possess. Write these down on a list if necessary. Use terms like “I am” and “I have. Keep this list with you and add to it regularly.
Accept compliments
“You have a nice dress on,” ‘What a beautiful painting you have done’ ... Compliments are meant to increase your self-esteem. So accept them! Also, thank the person who compliments you.
Deal with successful people
English psychologist Lynda Field states that people with low self-confidence often feel threatened by successful people. They much prefer to deal with people who are not doing as well as themselves. Whereas you can actually learn from successful people. Field: “Success attracts success, just as negativity attracts more negativity. Hang out with people you admire and you will be encouraged to achieve success yourself and develop more self-confidence.'
Think more positively
Recognize your negative thoughts. Ask yourself if there is any evidence for this thought. Put positive thoughts in its place and feel how this cultivates your self-confidence. So instead of, “That conversation didn't go well and I made a fool of myself,” think “Okay, it didn't go well, but it was a difficult conversation. The more often I do this, the better it will go”.
Make time for yourself
Make time and relax! Finally do that course you've wanted to do for a long time, go shopping, join that sports club ... Your needs are as important as anyone else's. Time for yourself increases your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Invest in your personal growth
Actively invest in personal development: read books on assertiveness, self-control, communication skills, time management, self-esteem ...
Create connections with other people
Connect with other people; every person wants to belong to others. Invest in your friends. Feelings of belonging increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Thus, we will not become alienated and feel lonely or depressed.
Pay attention to your body language
Want to exude a confident attitude? Then pay attention to your posture! Insecure people often have a closed posture: they have drooping shoulders and avoid eye contact. So: sit or stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, make eye contact and smile with your whole face!
(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration: Pixabay)