
Extreme heat wave approaches southern Europe

Are you still going on vacation? Then be sure to take your precautions if you are heading to southern Europe because it is exceptionally hot there right now.

Huffing and sweating in southern Europe these days. A heat dome has been causing oppressively warm temperatures there for weeks. And the mercury will continue to rise there smoothly towards 45 degrees Celsius in many places.

Portugal, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Croatia and Slovenia in particular are currently experiencing a blisteringly hot summer. In Slovenia, temperatures above 38 and even up to 45 degrees have been recorded for two weeks now. At night, the temperature rarely drops below 22 degrees either.

These European regions are currently experiencing a so-called heat dome. This is a very persistent high pressure area. Under such a dome, air remains trapped. And because it cannot leave, the temperature there will rise in the coming days. This, of course, complicates daily life there, but the danger of forest fires is also acute.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Lucas Davies for Unsplash)



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