
Tips for saving money in the shower

Did you know that the bathroom is the second largest consumer of energy in a household budget?

Believe it or not, the hot water used to take a shower alone represents 15 to 20% of total household bill. The price of a shower, of course, depends on the time spent under the shower head and the quality of your installation.

What's for certain is that the "shower" budget for a family of 4 at current energy prices amounts to a few hundred euros per year. And can even exceed 1000 euros.

Here are some ways to limit your water and energy expenses...

Take short showers

First thing to remember: reduce the duration of your shower. 5 minutes is more than enough to wash and rinse, even with long hair. Remember to turn off the water when you soap yourself.

A standard shower head uses an average of 15 litres/minute. A 5-minute shower therefore represents 75 litres. But 10 minutes spent in the shower, without turning off the water, uses 150 litres of water, which adds up to as much as some bathtubs. And it's even worse with a "rain effect" shower, which can easily climb to 20 litres/minute...

Do you tend to lose all sense of time under hot water? Use the stopwatch and alarm on your phone.

Install an energy-saving shower head

With an energy-saving shower head (equipped with a turbulence system that splits the water drops into a mixture of water and air), a 5-minute shower only uses 30 litres!

These shower heads limit the flow to 6 litres per minute. The sensation is the same as with a standard shower. The water is simply mixed with air to obtain smaller drops and thus offer the same comfort.

Saving 45 liters of water per shower is obviously huge, especially when you count the savings over a year.

Additional tips

- Don't heat your bathroom and keep a towel handy
- Dry yourself in your still warm shower unit

(MH with LM with Skwadra - Source: Ecoconso/Illustration photo: Pixabay)

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