Here are the 7 terrifying predictions of the “living Nostradamus” for 2025
The “living Nostradamus” completes the predictions of Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga and French astrologer Nostradamus for the year 2025.
What does the coming year hold in store for us? Athos Salomé, the “living Nostradamus” from Brazil, shares his visions with us. In the past, Athos Salomé predicted the future, announcing the takeover of Twitter by Musk, the arrival of Covid-19 and the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
A closer look at Athos Salomé's predictions
Here's what today's Nostradamus predicts:
- artificial intelligence will become increasingly difficult to manage, even reaching a point of no return. The seer explains that a catastrophic global event is about to occur, highlighting the autonomous nature of AI. It would have its own conscience.
- in 2025, secret genetic experiments will be carried out, with the aim of creating “perfect” individuals, more intelligent, more resistant to disease, stronger.
- A global energy crisis will also disrupt the year. Athos Salomé, as reported in the Economic Times, states that “although revolutionary technologies such as zero-point energy generators may exist, they will remain hidden from the public to maintain power structures”.
- A global dictatorship: the seer also explains that authorities around the world will make use of new technologies to monitor the population. In addition, microchips will be implanted under human skin.
- “hello, aliens?” Athos Salomé is convinced that we're not alone in the universe. In fact, he predicts that we'll have contact with extraterrestrials by 2025.
- Secret military experiments: “Strategic silence will be the order of the day for certain governments, such as the USA, Russia and China, as they hide information with the aim of provoking a global upheaval,” says our living Nostradamus.
- the suffering climate: man-made climatic catastrophes will take place. Athos Salomé points out that geoengineering could generate hurricanes and droughts in areas not normally affected by such unpleasant events, reports Demotivateur.
2025, we're not really looking forward to seeing you...
(MH with AsD - Source : Demotivateur - Illustration : Unsplash)