Restaurant owner outsmarts cheese thief with tracker
A 56-year-old British restaurant owner reacted smartly when his delivery of fresh sulfur products was stolen in front of his restaurant. Restaurant owner David Straker ambushed the thieves.
The man inserted a tracker into a large piece of fresh brie cheese and then placed the ball of cheese outside in front of his restaurant. The unscrupulous thieves then grandly got ambushed and ran off with this piece of expensive cheese as well. Only they hadn't counted on the AirTag that was stuck inside. Consequently, the restaurant owner was able to track where the thieves took the piece of stolen cheese. The location of the cheese kept changing for weeks, until the tracker kept indicating one and the same location: the signal to call in the police. The investigation is now in the hands of the police.
(SR for Tagtik/Source: Daily Mail/Illustration picture: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay)