
Extend your lifespan by 5 years

Want to give yourself a nice gift? Then go for a walk! You'll treat yourself to better concentration, better blood pressure, a healthy weight, better sleep, stronger bones, better balance, a stronger immune system ... But this is not all.

Scientists conducted a study on the fitness of Americans over the age of 40. The participants were divided into categories from little to very active.

The most active were found to walk about 160 minutes (2.5 hours) per day. The least active group barely moved for 49 minutes a day; this is 111 minutes less time than the more active group.

The scientists also compared the life expectancy of the two groups. They came to the unsurprising conclusion: those who exercise more live longer. Men and women in the least active category would die 5.8 years earlier.

The results of the study were published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

(SR for Tagtik/Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine - Medical News Today/Illustration picture: Pixabay)



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