Inoxtag robbed at home in broad daylight
Youtuber known as Inoxtag, famous for his recent ascent of Mount Everest, was the victim of a burglary at his home. The thieves stole computer equipment.
At the age of 22, youtuber Inoxtag became a celebrity beyond the circle of his many subscribers, following his documentary on his ascent of Mount Everest; a feat seen by millions online, as well as on television. All the more reason to be coveted.
According to French radio station Europe 1, the young man with 9 million subscribers was robbed in Poissy (Yvelines - France) on Wednesday afternoon, November 6, 2024. The thieves made a complete search of his home after breaking through a living-room window. They took valuables and computer equipment. The loss is said to be in excess of 10,000 euros.
Inoxtag has not yet commented on the burglary, but a complaint has been lodged. The youtuber seems to be preparing a new adventure: a stage in the Tour de France.
(MH with Olivier Duquesne - Sources : Le Soir Mag, Europe 1, BFM TV - Picture : © picture alliance/dpa/MAXPPP | Lp / Fred Dugit)