
Orca tears apart a white shark (VIDEO)

Were there no footage of it, it would be hard to believe. But an orca did indeed attack a white shark on its own. Scientists therefore reacted with astonishment to the unique video footage.

It took the male orca less than two minutes off the coast of South Africa's Mossel Bay to attack a white shark and devour its liver. 

The orca grabbed the shark's left pectoral fin, yanked the shark open and finally targeted its innards. The orca disappeared briefly before reappearing with a piece of liver in its mouth.

Attacks by orcas on a white shark are not unique, but usually orcas do go on the attack together with several of their own kind. Also, the hunt often lasts an hour or two.

The victim was a juvenile white shark, estimated to weigh "only" about 100 kilos and to be 2.50 metres long. 

According to scientists, the incident could be a sign of ecological changes

(FVDV for Tagtik/Source: African Journal of Marine Science/Illustration: Unsplash)



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