
More than 70 ‘weather monsters’ hit the United States

The southern Great Plains of the United States shook on 26 April. Dozens of tornadoes turned the lives of Oklahoma residents upside down, injuring around a hundred people and killing at least 4, including a baby. In addition to the material damage and the homes that were wiped off the map...

More than 70 grey and black ‘weather monsters’ ‘swept everything in their path around the city of Omaha, in Nebraska and near Iowa’ reports La Dépêche.  Houses, trains, power lines... all reduced to rubble. 

Light in the darkness

In this spectacle of chaos, a minor miracle occurred. A 9-year-old boy saved his parents. 

Branson and his parents, seeing nature on the rampage, decided to flee their home and seek refuge elsewhere. As they fled, their car became trapped in a tornado and was violently thrown into the trees. While Branson escaped without a scratch, his parents were injured and trapped in the vehicle. The American media outlet CBS reported the little boy's words after the accident: ‘Daddy, Mummy, please don't die, I'll be back!’

In the semi-darkness, the child sprinted a mile (1.5 km) to reach his neighbours' door and ask for help. 

The parents are currently suffering from serious injuries but were able to be treated in time thanks to their little guy's bravery. ‘Wayne Baker's (dad) back, neck, sternum, ribs and arm were broken. He also lost part of a finger’. As for the mother, Lindy Baker, ‘the back, neck, jaw, ribs and right hand... were broken. She also suffered a punctured lung’.



(AsD - Source: L'Indépendant - Illustration: Unsplash)



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