
5 tips for cooling your home without air conditioning

Are you dreading the heatwave? Feeling oppressed, sweating, dehydrated and never ending nights are our common struggle.

If you don't have air conditioning at home, don't panic, there are still solutions to cool down your home. Here are five:

1. Poorly insulated windows, lack of shutters, extreme cold in winter and stifling air in summer? Consider wrapping a piece of cardboard with aluminum and placing it in front of your windows to protect yourself from the heat. Do the same for the spaces that are most exposed to the sun.

2. Don’t hesitate to do a little cleaning! Not with your vacuum cleaner or your home appliances, of course. But a good mop to moisten the floor and bring an ambient feel to the air. Highly recommended.

3. Do you have laundry (sheets, towels, etc.) that is still a little damp once washed in the washing machine? Hang it in front of your windows in order to cool down the air entering the house.

4. Avoid cooking hot foods and therefore turning on the oven or other heating appliances. When operating, these appliances will produce heat and inevitably warm up your interior. Also, eating hot foods causes your body temperature to rise. Favor salads and fresh vegetables that are full of water.

5. If the air is 30 degrees during the day, don't leave your windows open. While it is important to ventilate your home well, there is no point in doing it when the sun is at its peak. Wait until nighttime to open doors and windows and create cooler air currents!

(MH with AsD and Jag - EVG/ Illustration: Unsplash)

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