
Vladimir Putin: Donald Trump is his mole

Former CIA Director Leon Panetta has claimed that Vladimir Putin is using Donald Trump as a reliable source to his advantage.

During his appearance on the One Decision podcast, the ex-CIA chief commented on allegations made by journalist Bob Woodward in his new book, particularly that the billionaire and the Russian head of state have spoken on the phone at least seven times since Donald Trump left the White House in 2021.

Leon Panetta acknowledged that it is "very unusual" for the Russian president to maintain any form of communication with a former American leader. He said that Vladimir Putin "knows how to work a source, and he's got a source that is very near the top in this country, he, himself is going to engage that source. "

"That really is what the bottom line is — is that Trump has turned into a source for Putin, and somebody who can help him manipulate what he wants to get done," Leon Panetta added.

Leon Panetta, who led the intelligence service from 2009 to 2011, expressed concern over the possibility that the pair continues to have private conversations.

"The mere fact that a former president of the United States is having regular conversation with our primary adversary raises real questions about where is his basic loyalty. Is it really to the United States of America? Or is it to Donald Trump?" he said.

(QG - Source : One Decision / Newsweek / Picture: © Pixabay)



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