
Hyper-addictive, Illegal smartvape ready to destroy your health

Imagine a manufacturer combining two addictions our society struggles with? 

Doctors are very concerned about the emergence of the so-called “smartvape,” a vape that also allows you to send messages, play games and manage your agenda. This is a kind of combination of a vaping device and a smartphone. Extremely dangerous and potentially hugely addictive for our youth, but also for society as a whole.

“This is specifically designed to make teenagers with their adolescent brains dependent and addicted. I am very concerned. We are heading for a generation of teenagers with lung damage, behavioral problems and concentration disorders due to vape addiction,” Dutch lung specialist Sanne Hammer responded indignantly on social media.

This “smartvape” has been around for a few months in different types and models. Some devices even allow you to continue playing by taking an extra puff if you fail to reach the next level during a game.

Ingenious or diabolical?

(SR for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Unsplash)



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