
Shapely buttocks? Here are the 3 tips

Rounder and firmer buttocks? To achieve your goals, quickly and without going through the "surgery" box, we give you some effective and easy tips, to follow every day.

First, favor a healthy diet, rich in antioxidants and proteins. Eggs, fish, meat, green tea, cocoa, kiwi ..., the gluteal muscles greatly need them in order to develop and gain volume.

Then, if you're not really a sportsman at heart, you can swap the trips to the gym with a few very simple exercises, to do at home or during your daily outings. Taking the stairs instead of elevators, for example... Small habits that tone and shape your buttocks without too much effort.

Finally, don't hesitate to opt for a regular palpate-roll; a tonic massage that stimulates the skin, helps fight cellulite and firms your figure over time.

(MH with AsD/Source: Santé Magazine/Illustration: Unsplash)

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