Young man survives decapitation: doctors are stunned!
In 2008, young Jordan was the victim of a serious car accident in which his skull detached from his spine.
Jordan was almost killed in a car accident in Texas, USA. The impact was so severe that it caused a so-called "Atlanto-occipital dislocation", in which the skull is separated from the spine. A usually fatal phenomenon. In the rare survivors, according to health workers, it causes lifelong paralysis.
At the hospital, doctors watched speechlessly as Jordan continued to breathe despite the impact. Dr Richard Roberts of Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth would later say, "He was the first patient with this injury I saw survive."
"The pediatric neurosurgeon placed Jordan's skull in a carbon fibre 'halo' to stabilise his neck and then performed surgery," the doctor shares more details with Using screws and rods, Dr Richard Roberts attached a titanium plate to the back of Jordan Taylor's skull.
Three months after the procedure, the boy spoke and walked again without any brain damage. His family could only erupt with joy at such a speedy, almost miraculous recovery.
(FVDV and AsD for Tagtik/Source: picture: Unsplash)