
Who are Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Stiller voting for?

The list of celebrities who have determingly chosen to vote for Kamala Harris is becoming increasingly impressive.

After Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, Bryan Cranston and Tracy Ellis-Ross have also openly expressed their support for the Democratic presidential candidate.

Breaking Bad actor Cranston says he has never felt so much optimism in a presidential campaign and that Kamala Harris will be a fantastic president. Comedian Rock says he wants to take his daughters to the White House to meet this black female president, and wants to turn the page on all the hate and negativity. Actor Ben Stiller, on the other hand, says he supports Harris because he cares deeply about the reproductive rights of his daughters.

(MH with SR for Tagtik/Picture: Unsplash)

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