
Some things never change: Male mammoths died because of 'stubbornness'

Most fossils of mammoths recovered are male. Scientists have finally figured out why.

A whopping 69% of mammoth fossils recovered from Siberia are male. So were there so few female mammoths? Scientists finally found an appropriate explanation for this, reports English newspaper The Guardian.

Male mammoths often roamed alone during the ice ages. As a result, they were more likely to encounter dangerous or life-threatening situations than their female counterparts who roamed in a herd. These herds were led by older female mammoths who knew the environment well and therefore could better avoid potential dangers.

Male mammoths, because they roamed alone, often died a lonely death after ending up in a swamp, a gorge or a lake. Indeed, it is in these places that fossils of male mammoths are now regularly found.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Source: The Guardian/Illustration picture: Pixabay)



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