
This Indian fruit is the highlight of our plates!

Jackfruit, nicknamed the "poor man's fruit", is making its entrance into the VIP category of food. At a time when healthy living is a priority, this fruit is delighting the taste buds of many vegetarians and vegans.

Growing in southern India, jackfruit trees, trees that bear this hyper-trendy fruit, are thriving by the thousands. Resistant to drought, these trees promise to survive global warming. Their production varies from 150 to 200 fruits per edible season from November to January. Formerly known for feeding the poorest, the jackfruit produces a 5-kilo polydrupe (fruit) with undeniable nutritional richness and is now priased around the world.

Rich in fiber, vitamins and proteins, jackfruit, this sweet fruit with firm flesh, is an excellent substitute for meat. In the form of steak, sliced, fried, pan-fried, it becomes the main source of protein for a balanced meal. It can also be eaten fresh or combined with other ingredients to make cakes, ice cream or juice. From London to San Francisco, jackfruit is seeing its name brighten up the menus of famous restaurants. The international appeal of this fruit is clearly on the rise. "In the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu (southeast) alone, the demand for jackfruit is now one hundred tons per day during the peak season and generates a turnover of around 20 million dollars per year," according to S. Rajendran, professor of economics at the Gandhigram Rural Institute.

Want to discover Indian exoticism while treating your body? For the moment, you can find canned jackfruit in specific exotic food stores.

(MH with AsD/EvG - Illustration: Pixabay - DEZALB)

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