
Ukraine must activate its plan B against the Russians

The United States has deemed Zelensky’s plan unrealistic and overly dependent on aid, while the list of targets in Russia exceeded the number of missiles available.

According to a source cited by a New York Times, one of the secret points of the plan also involved long-range Tomahawk missiles, a request that US officials said was unrealistic.

No country has authorized the use of its missiles inside Russia, and an invitation to NATO remains off the table until the end of the war, jeopardizing two key points of the five-point plan, which also includes three secret annexes.

In the meantime, Kiev faces increasing difficulties on the battlefield as well as in securing international support.

The Ukrainian general staff must now look for a Plan B to resist Putin’s military.

(MH with AmBar/Source: New York Times/Photo: DPA/ROPI/POU)

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