Putin is more vulnerable than ever
The Russian number 1 thinks he's untouchable, but according to information from the American and British secret services, his power in Russia could be coming to an end.
"Americans need to see a path to victory, where thugs like Putin are stopped, the world is stabilised and justice is restored. Americans don't want this to drag on: they want a decisive end to the Russian killing machine," a CIA official told the Guardian on condition of anonymity.
For Americans, support for Ukraine demonstrates that Putin is not above the law and that he is being held accountable for the heinous crimes committed in the country.
Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence spy, suggested a few months ago that "the West should prepare for the worst-case scenario and that there could be bloodshed".
The most likely outcome is that there will be a violent movement to kill or overthrow Putin in favor of another regime oligarch who has distanced himself from the war and is prepared to negotiate a genuine end to the conflict.
(MH with AmBar/Source: The Guardian/Photo: Pixabay)