
“The nuclear taboo is disappearing”

On LCI, the French all-news channel, General Bernard Norlain, President Initiatives for Nuclear Disarmament), spoke about the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

For the general, we're in an extremely dangerous situation that is leading us towards nuclear conflict:

“We've known it for a long time, we see that nuclear war is possible and that with our rhetoric and France being the first to say that nuclear weapons are an absolute guarantee of security, we're encouraging proliferation. In the current situation, where everyone is arming themselves, especially the nuclear states, how can we expect other countries not to do the same? How can you expect other countries not to want to have their ultimate guarantee of security?"

General Norlain concludes:

“It's a proliferating discourse. And so we're moving, I was going to say very slowly, much more quickly than we think, towards a nuclear conflict.”

Officially, 9 countries hold the nuclear bomb: the USA, France, the UK, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea.

(MH with AmBar/Source: LCI/Photo: Pixabay)

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