"Bloodshed in Ukraine is partly Trump's fault"
General Michel Yakovleff, former NATO deputy chief of staff, appeared on French news channel LCI to give his analysis of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
The general says two telling words: ‘Too late’.
"All the historians who will write history books about this war will always mention it “too late”, one way or another.’ As MacArthur used to say, every defeat can be summed up in two words: too late."
"It has been too late since before February 2022. It was only Donald Trump who decided to block military aid to Ukraine and used the mechanisms of Congress to his advantage, Mr Trump who was not elected and who made US policy. What can we say about democracy when someone who is not elected makes the country's policy and blocks aid to Ukraine for six months?"
The general concluded with a punchline: "The bloodshed in Ukraine is partly Trump's fault."
(Tagtik with FM/Source: LCI/Photo: State emergency service of Ukraine in Kharkiv via wikicommons under license Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.)