
"In 10 years time we'll be immortal"

Laurent Alexandre, senior civil servant, entrepreneur, writer and political activist was a guest on the set of LCI, French news channel, to present his latest book dedicated to ChatGPT.


"Artificial intelligence will change death, will euthanize death in 5 or even 10 years. The idea that death is a problem to be solved and not an unavoidable reality will prevail. Laurent Alexandre summarizes his point in 4 letters N, B, I and C

N for nanotechnology, in short acting on molecules, B for biology, retouching genes (for example), I for computer science and C for cognitive sciences. What will this immortality look like? It will be a kind of transhumanism, of human-machine hybrid.

Tomorrow, it will look like Elon Musk's famous Neuralink. They're directly implanted in the brain of a patient in order to neutralize a pathology. And that's how a few months ago, a quadriplegic patient managed to play chess on a computer using only his thoughts, as if he were moving the mouse himself."

According to Laurent Alexandre:

"Death will no longer be the natural outcome of all life. It will become a disease like any other, although a little more complex to eradicate; on the one hand the physical body will be doomed to disappear and age, and on the other, the complete transfer of our memory and our consciousness will be done in microprocessors as from 2045, which would allow our mind to survive our biological death."

And Laurent Alexandre concludes with astonishing words:

"Elon Musk bet that by December 2025, the most intelligent man on Earth will be less intelligent than a banal commercial artificial intelligence."

(MH with MaSi/Source: LCI/photo: Unsplash)

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