
Watch your sodas!

Too many sodas (even light), food rich in animal fats, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, but also a lack of physical activity, are bad habits that are poisonous for the body.

So much so that a new disease, soda disease, also known as "fatty liver" disease, is currently wreaking havoc. It's said to be a consequence of the excesses of our modern life.

The observation is so worrying that doctors are sounding alarms. This disease, which is primarily a consequence of obesity, affects one in ten people. In the United States, this figure is said to reach up to 20% of the population. Famous personalities, such as the famous French sports journalist Pierre Ménès, have been victims of this disease...

In most cases, this insidious disease is asymptomatic. It's usually discovered by chance, during a simple medical examination or blood test. Some more sensitive people may experience headaches, dizziness and fatigue, all signs that should alert you because when the disease is advanced, inflammation can cause fibrosis, non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis and - in 5% of cases - degenerate into cancer.

As a preventive measure, the only advice to follow is to watch your weight (or even lose it), do physical exercise, adopt a healthy lifestyle and take care of your diet.

(MH with JaG - EVG - Illustration Picture: Pixabay)

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