
Scientifically proven: higher risk of cancer if you drink alcohol

Those who drink alcohol increase the risk of 7 types of cancer. Therefore, the Belgian cancer organization 'Kom Op Tegen Kanker' wants to make people aware of this threat.

Today the organization launched a website full of “culinary treats and easily digestible tips” on how people can live, eat and drink healthier. And the emphasis is also placed on alcohol since its disastrous effects on your health have already been scientifically proven. “4 to 5 in 100 cancer cases are the result of alcohol consumption. But people today are still too little aware of that link. We did a survey ourselves: almost half of the people questioned thought that moderate alcohol consumption is just good for your cardiovascular system. While today science - think of the World Health Organization (WHO) - agrees that the risk of 7 different cancers increases from the first glass. Obviously: the more you drink, the higher the risk,” states KOTK.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Unsplash)



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